Friday, May 7, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

There is no doubt that the United States of America is being over populated by immigrant. However, the recent law that was passed in Arizona is not the way to go about solving immigration issues. The actions taken in Arizona is unamerican and it might as well be considered racial profiling. It is creating more problems across the nation instead of getting rid of the problem. This law says that someone can only be questioned about their immigration if they are involved in an incident which requires law enforcement. Taken into consideration that the immigrants that do live here work the jobs that no one else wants to. This issue has to be taken in to a lot of consideration before coming to a final decision through out the world. But in my opinon, the law that Arizona has passed is not just, its very unamerican and increase racial profiling.


  1. I completely agree! Obviously citizens aren't agreeing with how harsh the bill is, and how Arizona is going about immigration. Say some foreigners come to the US to visit and they get pulled over because they look different, how does that make us look? Makes us look shady to me! On top of that many cops are already crooked and they would use this law in there advantage especially if they're for the law or racist! It would be a terrible thing if this particular law spread through out the states, because it is almost embarrassing how they chose to deal with the immigration. I hope Arizona smartens up and ratifies the law in a way that is more civil to the immigrants.

  2. Currently while reading my classmates blog post she talks about the new immigration law passed in Arizona. In the post she claimed “the recent law that was passed in Arizona is not the way to go about solving immigration issues. The actions taken in Arizona is un-American and it might as well be considered racial profiling. It is creating more problems across the nation instead of getting rid of the problem. This law says that someone can only be questioned about their immigration if they are involved in an incident which requires law enforcement” I agree strongly with Amanda’s post. This new law is nothing but trouble, this law is as Amanda claimed “racial profiling” because someone of Hispanic descent does not suddenly make them illegal. I understand that America is trying to control the immigration problem but in all honestly there are other ways to control the immigration then creating unfair laws like the current one in Arizona.
