Friday, April 9, 2010

Health Care for Everyone!

Finally, the health care reform act was passed! I personally believe that alot of positive effects will come with this. Everyone will be covered and won't be refused. The total cost will be much lower: The current US system is the most expensive in the world. From this point when someone needs medical attentions they wont go broke from having to pay so much. This is an excellent way to decrease wasteful spending. Obama made the right choice by passing this law and in helping everyone get insured like he said he would. As far as I'm concerned Obama's strategies are helping this country's market rise back up. Universal Health Care is an great way to provide instance care for everyone no matter what system of class you are in. I am very glad to see that the ones that were not able to afford health care, or to go see the doctor when someone was sick or hurt, can now have the opportunity to seek care. Universal health care gets two thumbs up from me.

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