Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Guns Permitted in National Parks

What is the point to this? Guns permitted in National Parks is pointless.
"It changes the dynamic in parks. People go there to feel safe and secure, to get away from the stuff they face every day where they live."
It does not make any sense to me as to why this is now permitted. What is supposed to be the outcome of having guns at a National Park? You have people that camp out. What happens when the inexperienced bring a gun while they are sleeping they hear or see a shape out of their tent and they start firing? This is going to bring an increase in deadly accidents. There is also a possibility that this will also increase in a destruction of historical resources.
"What do we do when a person does the right thing, and leaves his gun locked in the car when he goes into the visitors' center and someone steals the gun?" said John Waterman a ranger at Valley Forge National Historic Park. Unnecessary injuries and deaths can happen due to this. Someone out of their right mind might want to relieve some anger and bring a gun to a park because it is permitted and start violence.
This is not safe and the law should not make it okay to bring guns to a National Park. You are not supposed to feel fear while walking in a park. Common sense here people. I don’t see any good coming out of this. There are other places that guns are necessary or welcomed but at a NATIONAL PARK where families get together, NOT the right place for people to bring guns.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unsatisfaction with the government

Ever feel like you are out of the loop?
Well recently that is how the government has been making many Americans feel like. Many are very unsatisfied with the way the government is handle situations. Apparently there has been something going on called the tea party movement. Not many Americans now anything about it at all. This is not okay for the government to do. Us United States citizens should be involved with the politics and know what is going on in our government. Many people are angry as to the way the government works. This article talks about the supporters of the Tea part and who opposes it. This article also talks about Sarah Palin and her attributions on being a Tea Party favorite. But statistics show that her numbers have dropped on her qualifications necessary for the white house but rose once she became John McCain's Vice president. This website is filled with statistical information that show how Americans feel and about the governments actions.